mardi 28 mai 2019


Il se forme un coagulum floconneux et fibreux, emprisonnant les particules et les h mocytes. I n India, the green Moringa fruit is popularly eaten and sold as a vegetable. Flocculation - Le floculant est un proc d chimique. Flocculent - English-French Dictionary m flocculent adj adjective: Describes a noun or pronoun-for example, a tall girl, an interesting book, a big house. Ultrastuctural analysis indicated that these fibrils contain microtubules and an associated flocculent fibrillar material.

Flocculent Definition of Flocculent by Merriam : containing, consisting of, or occurring in the form of loosely aggregated particles or soft flakes a flocculent precipitate First Known Use of flocculent 180 in the meaning defined at sense History. Flocculent - definition of flocculent by The Free The weather had been fine and clear, and in the morning the air was full of patches of the flocculent web, as on an autumnal day in England. Containing numerous shreds or fluffy particles of grayish or white mucus or other material. A stringy, flocculent coagulum forms, trapping the particles and hemocytes.

En g n ral, seule la forme au masculin singulier est donn e. Flocculent definition of flocculent by Medical Having a fluffy or wooly appearance.


Il rassemble, agglom re et solidifie les fines particules en suspension qui ne sont pas retenues par le filtre. Il est g n ralement plac apr s le nom et saposaccorde avec le nom (ex : un ballon bleu, une balle bleue). Il y a heures Nearly percent of all galaxies are flocculent, like NGC 277 or multiple-arm, a hybrid between flocculent and grand design, like the Milky Way.

Flocculent - Traduction fran aise Linguee Moringa seeds contain a protein that can be used to clarify water: it is a nat ur a l flocculent. Flocculent Definition of Flocculent at m Having a fluffy or wooly appearance.

Flocculent - definition of flocculent by The Free

Flocculent - Traduction fran aise Linguee

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